Hi everyone, I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter! I would like to give you a little Easter suprise, and that is my 'Persuade Me Game'!. This is a simple game that is played with dice (dice on the IWB are great for the whole class to see). This game is all about persuasion and getting students confident to give reasons for a particular point of view. In this game 2 students come out the front of the classroom, each student rolls a dice, the dice reveal which statement the students are given on the game board. The students then need to decide who is 'for' the statement and who is 'against' (if they cannot agree, you may choose who is doing for and who is against). Students now have to give 3 reasons that support their argument and have to convince the class to believe their argument as opposed to the other students. Set a timer, so kids have to give reasons quickly therefore thinking on their feet. Once the time is up, the rest of the class take a vote to determine whose argument was more convincing.
This game is an excellent way to get students thinking of reasons 'for' and 'against' a point of view, and persuading others towards their opinion. This resource gets ideas flowing and helps students practice with persuasion informally, as opposed to always working with persuasive texts. This game utilises talking and listening to practice persuasion, and promotes safe and supportive classrooms when students are taught to play properly. It must be established that there are no put downs, and that the game does not have a "winner", just a more convincing argument, and to leave each round on a positive note, get the rest of the class to give pointers to the less convincing student e.g. Maybe if you said it like this........ it would have been more convincing.
Take a look, and please let me know how it goes if you use it in your classroom! Don't be shy, drop a comment below and tell me what you think. Feedback and constructive criticism are welcomed.
Happy Easter, enjoy your holidays,
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